300 gallon poly tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Things are definitly getting back to normal. The plan is to wait a few more weeks and get everyone healed up 100% then try and introduce the hellraiser pbb.
I think kong is gonna turn into a really nice looking poly
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Things are definitly getting back to normal. The plan is to wait a few more weeks and get everyone healed up 100% then try and introduce the hellraiser pbb.
I think kong is gonna turn into a really nice looking poly
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your phone takes really good pictures. Kong is looking good. Love that first pic of the few of them together. It's like a family portrait. Those are some photogenic polys. That pic needs to be put in a frame lol. POLY YEARBOOK PHOTO 2017.

Is hellraiser still giving Hulk a hard time? Is Hulk still putting him in his place?
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your phone takes really good pictures. Kong is looking good. Love that first pic of the few of them together. It's like a family portrait. Those are some photogenic polys. That pic needs to be put in a frame lol. POLY YEARBOOK PHOTO 2017.

Is hellraiser still giving Hulk a hard time? Is Hulk still putting him in his place?
Yeah that 1st pic is pretty cool hulks absolutely put hellraiser in his place. Every now and then he'll whack him but gives him his little corner by the plants so things are kind of chill. All but one of the "whacks" are like half heart pushes with his mouth open only saw him actually bite the pbb once.

Liking your faranah lap:)
Thx man
Kong is probably the bichir I like most in your collection! Head shape is only going to keep looking more monster. :eek:
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Kong is probably the bichir I like most in your collection! Head shape is only going to keep looking more monster. :eek:

Thx man. I like him much better than the smaller one. I think the small ine is starting to show more browns but like the lighter greens on kong.
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Thx man. I like him much better than the smaller one. I think the small ine is starting to show more browns but like the lighter greens on kong.
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Yeah me too. One reason why I don't like keeping laps/PBB that are under 18" is because I don't like the headshape too much. The headshape looks so much different once they hit a certain size.
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Yeah me too. One reason why I don't like keeping laps/PBB that are under 18" is because I don't like the headshape too much. The headshape looks so much different once they hit a certain size.
What hsppens ? Gets thicker ? Have any close ups of old one ?
Here is my old 22" Nigerian Lap
18" Faranah Lap(front bottom piece )
I still have not owned a PBB that has the headshape I would like. But this piece was close enough(might have look better when it beefed up more)
Is it me loking at it all wrong or do pbb havr larger gill plates ?dont know what its actually called but that bony layer just after the gills.

In your pbb pic it looks huge and even in mine it looks larger tjan the other polys. Like it starts from the gill and ends almost at the eyes....or its 5 am and i havent had any coffee yet lol