• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

4000 Gallon tank install (H20 Custom Aquatics)

thing is pretty damn serious dude. Would be great with some big FW predators. I have a friend selling my old 16" or so Port Jackson Shark Female, a 30" bamboo, or 10" queen trigger if he wants to throw them in. All are surprisingly fine with other fish, trigger can be nasty though
Wicked... so good we live so close too, now all I need is to win the lotery, or get my lazy ass up into gear and make the money for a mad project like this.

*two thumbs up* Mike, great project
Sweet, thanks for the new pictures, looking amazing, can't wait to see it filled
That looks awesome my man!!! Thanx a bunch for the much needed updates.
i could def use one of thoes in my house, i dont even use my garage anyways, it is full of a empty tanks and a pool table and other junk that i need to go through.
rock on man and good luck
Thanks for the update.