Ohio Entusiast;2748108; said:I came across this site last night. For some reason [Mostly the atrocious spelling/Grammar.] doubt this is the true owner. If you read his comments, this ''costed him $45k....I for one would love to think the real owner is capable of forming complete, comprehensible sentences and I have a feeling this was MUCH more than $45k!
sorry if this is a derail of sorts but it begs to be answered

ive spoken with the person who does this thread about something im thinking of doing and i can assure you that you are a moron
how dare you judge someone based on spelling an grammar
one of the most successfull and brilliant business people i ever knew had very little education and they could not do great on english tests but it most certainly did not hold them back from becoming a smashin success in life
what are you gonna judge me cause i dont use punctuation which also leads to bad grammar go ahead i dare you i type without it for speed sake
but let me assure you that my style of typing has not in any way hindered my own business endeavours