5000 gal outdoor Aquarium Plan

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
That is fabulous! I wish I had the skills (and the time, and the money, and the decent weather...) to build something like this! Excellent plan, and how cool would that be to design and install outdoor aquariums for a living!
There is a local fish club in the Charlotte, NC aera called Charlotte Area Aquatics Society...

There is a member there that does own a pond and water garden business. His name is slipping my mind but I'm sure if you posted your idea on that clubs forum someone there will suggest you talk to him and give you his name, or maybe he'll find you himself.

I've had to step out of the Charlotte region but have plans to be back this summer. While I've never been involved with a design/build anything like the one you are suggesting... I've been in the construction materials testing business working for a locl engineering firm for quite a few years and have many years experience in fish keeping... and I'm still young enough to shovel (but smart enough to operate a miniexcavator :P )

Once I'm down there I'd be happy to stop by your work in progress and help out a time or two. I'll be in Davidson, NC.
I posted this a NANFA but didn't get any helpful responses. I figured I'd post it here and see if you guys/gals have any insight.

I'm planning an outdoor water garder/aquarium. You can see the attached picture of my plan. It is about 5000 gallons and will include floating and submerged plants along with driftwood and rocks for cover. I plan on keeping species native to lake wylie,SC as I live on that lake and want to keep fish native to the lake. The primary fish will be largemouth but I will also try to include crappie, catfish, bream and any other local fish I can find all fish ideally will be raised from fingerling.

Now to my question. I would like to breed Nightcrawlers and Fathead minnows and live feed all species. I'm not too concerned when the fish are small but as they grow will I be able to breed enough minnows and nightcrawlers to satisfy them. Does anyone have experience with how many or weight of food adult largemout eat. I can use a cast net to catch additional baitfish if needed but I'm trying to figure out if I can sustain these fish without having to buy baitfish every week. I will also try only to keep as many fish as I can handle.
Part two-- is there any chance that sunfish, blue gill, shiners, and minnows will be able to breed and create a self sustaining environment if provided with enough cover? This is probably a longshot since the balance would probably need to be very drastic for this the work like hundreds of bream to one bass but I though I'd ask.