600 and 280 gallon reset: getting back to my roots

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Festae finally beginning to pair out. Took them a lot longer than if they were immediately the dominant species in the tank. Now have four pairs of fish in here. Let’s hope they stay that way for a while.

I've now read this whole thread. I've enjoyed it very much. There are so many great ideas. Thanks for sharing the technical details of your 280g(#133). I like what you've done with the lighting. I'm planning a system of two aquariums, they will be filtered internally and topped off with RO. Minimizing water consumption is also going to be important for my household. So, I'm thinking to run a portion of water from the filter through an algae scrubber and populate it with daphnia. I hope to use about 60 gallons water per week (A 15% water change - which will be recycled into laundry use.)
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I've now read this whole thread. I've enjoyed it very much. There are so many great ideas. Thanks for sharing the technical details of your 280g(#133). I like what you've done with the lighting. I'm planning a system of two aquariums, they will be filtered internally and topped off with RO. Minimizing water consumption is also going to be important for my household. So, I'm thinking to run a portion of water from the filter through an algae scrubber and populate it with daphnia. I hope to use about 60 gallons water per week (A 15% water change - which will be recycled into laundry use.)
Thank you.
Any way you can lower your water consumption is a huge plus. I run a 40B that is covered with water lettuce and I rarely do water changes and it holds a spawning group of adult Thorichthys aureus. Having plants like pothos and water lettuce sucking out nutrients will go a long way in helping to keep the water in better shape. Curious to see how the algae scrubber works out. I will say that if you’re reducing the water cvoluke through plant filtration, it’ll be important to replenish trace minerals in your water depending on what fish you’re keeping. Best of luck to you.
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Been a while since I’ve updated so here are some recent pics and videos. All inhabitants still going strong with the Umbees having bred. Removed most of the fry and kept a small group with the parents. The dominant Festae Pair have formed. With the two pairs of P Loisellei in there, a total of 4 pairs of cichlids Joe share the tank with the various wolves and Leporinus.













Tagging Rocksor Rocksor . Your previous comment seemed to drip with doubt and criticism so here’s the update for you.
Umbee is one of my favorite cichlids, Grammodes, Festae, and Chancho, lol... never could get them all in the same tank, I am just coming back to the hobby also and working with a 360 and 200 gallon tank, I will be keeping an eye on your tanks, they look good :)