600 Gallon Plywood and glass

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
excelent tank, great job building it, like the gars
A few updates on the tank. I redid the plumbing in the house this past weekend and finally ran water line to the tank so I don't have to drag the hose around. I'm also close to being done with the "Man Cave". Still quite a bit to do but the PIA stuff is over.

Tank picture framed in. Was also in the middle of a PWC while we took a break

FX5 on its new shelf

Modified the intake so I can run one line on the surface skimmer and the other a bulkhead that under the water. I did this so I dont have to close the valve i n the FX5 and lose any turnover.

New water line so I dont have to use the hose anymore to fill the tank. Glad we put new pipe in since the pipes were a mess! I had a mix of Copper, Galvanized and LEAD pipe... anyways hope you enjoy I'm uploading a video of the basement and new front to the tank and I'll post it in the video section when its done.
Looking fantastic.. gorgeous fish. One question - how big is that tree trunk you have as the centrepiece? Looks as though it was a bizatch to get that in there..
Wasn't to bad to get it in there. Its just over 4' long and about 8" in diameter. My son found it when we went to Lake Erie. I should also update what the front of the tank looks like. I'm also designing a modular Filtration system for the tank to replace the sump so I can use water pressure above the pump heading to it to assist it rather than having it do all the work in pushing the water back to the tank on its own. Its going to require me to totally redo the plumbing on the tank but now that the basement is done I'm bored till I can start doing outside work on the yard in the spring. I'll post pics in the DIY section and link it here when I'm done with the drawings.

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hehehe the top I have is crap! Its an aluminum frame with plexiglass windows and piano hinges for the opening lids. I plan on getting some waterproof endcaps and polycarb bulb covers for the lighting so I can take the top of and just box in the top of the tank to the ceiling that way there is no more algae build up and water stain to have to constantly clean off the plexi so all the light gets to the plants.
Bulb Covers are so if a fish jumps into the bulb it will be protected and if the bulb does break glass wont go flying everywhere.