A few updates on the tank. I redid the plumbing in the house this past weekend and finally ran water line to the tank so I don't have to drag the hose around. I'm also close to being done with the "Man Cave". Still quite a bit to do but the PIA stuff is over.
Tank picture framed in. Was also in the middle of a PWC while we took a break
FX5 on its new shelf
Modified the intake so I can run one line on the surface skimmer and the other a bulkhead that under the water. I did this so I dont have to close the valve i n the FX5 and lose any turnover.
New water line so I dont have to use the hose anymore to fill the tank. Glad we put new pipe in since the pipes were a mess! I had a mix of Copper, Galvanized and LEAD pipe... anyways hope you enjoy I'm uploading a video of the basement and new front to the tank and I'll post it in the video section when its done.