The parrot cichlid is a nice idea. I might look further into that. The tiger barbs are out. I have heard too much about their aggression with nipping fins and they don't even care what the size of the fish is that they are attacking. Plus if I don't get them full grown when I get the severums, they might get eaten. The red-tail is a pretty fish, but I don't need more bottom feeders. I will have 5-6 yoyo loaches and 2 rubber lip plecos. I have all the scavenger/algae control I really need and they are all bottom dwellers. I would rather have the bichir instead of 2 red-tails.
One of the things I might do is try and find 4-5 full grown all male or all female rams so I don't have to worry about breeding. But the parrots would live longer and 2-3 of them would pair nicely with the breeding severums. So many things to consider! LOL
One of the things I might do is try and find 4-5 full grown all male or all female rams so I don't have to worry about breeding. But the parrots would live longer and 2-3 of them would pair nicely with the breeding severums. So many things to consider! LOL