how do you get the fish to get along. i found that even with a bigger tank the fish just took bigger territories so still fought
jimolds8862;3740673; said:all i have to say is wooooooooooow
Thanks guysbroken;3740797; said:awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No one really seems to claim territories in this tank. Just enough structure to swim around while keeping it very open helps IMO.josh11;3741864; said:how do you get the fish to get along. i found that even with a bigger tank the fish just took bigger territories so still fought
Thanks for the kind words Muni. I shoot with out any flash units and just rely on the tank lights only.The lighting is pretty simple.Heres a pic to better explain. Having the Powerglos at the front of the tank really helps to bring out the color of the fish.Muni;3742882; said:Silmply amazing photography. If thats not pro quality I dont know what is.
What lighting are you using for your photo sessions? Whatever it is it is bringing out amazing coloration in your fish.
It is still only young, also the smallest and slowest growing in the tank.This is the only decent pic I have of it taken about 5-6 weeks ago.. For a while I wasn't sure if the Jag would make a meal out of it but it seems to have got past that stage.Eric A;3742986; said:Can we see pictures of you umbee please.
Cannon EOS 450DMuni;3743036; said:Interesting lighting setup.
What camera you shooting with?
No probs EricEric A;3743039; said:Awesome. Thanks for that GT.
Thanks. He is definitely a favorite.BradT85;3743061; said:Great build and tank.
Your festae is absolutely amazing