• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Of course! if you wouldn't mind sending me a message I'd appreciate it! Mondays are one of my crazy days since I have to catch up from the weekend and I just want to make sure I don't forget about you!! I should be able to post some pictures hopefully in an hour or two!
Of course! if you wouldn't mind sending me a message I'd appreciate it! Mondays are one of my crazy days since I have to catch up from the weekend and I just want to make sure I don't forget about you!! I should be able to post some pictures hopefully in an hour or two!
Sorry were are your cichla ocellaris peacock bass from.
Do you still have any Red Tiger Mota? Also do you ever get any Jaguars (managuensis)? I am looking for a female jag and also interested in the RTM's
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Do you still have any Red Tiger Mota? Also do you ever get any Jaguars (managuensis)? I am looking for a female jag and also interested in the RTM's
sorry for the late reply weve been quite busy but sadly there are not any RTM left but I did get in some 4"-5" Jags
Pics of Phalacronotus bleekeri?
Sorry for the late reply as I stated above we've been a little busy but we sold out of the Bleekeri a few weeks ago
Have any sturgeon or hi fin banded sharks in stock rn? I am in south Jersey so I can pick up or accept shipping
were sorry for the late reply things have been a little crazy as of late.. I do have one Hifin banded shark left available if youre still interested youre more than welcome to pick it up or I can ship. if you are still interested give me a call at 9086340820 ill be in tomorrow from 11:30-6:30
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