Current status:
Several of these Costco totes have a single fish in them and an FX6 on roughly 1/2 pressure. There are several other pics that are similarly set up and not in the photo. These are temporary and I'll scrounge up some better accommodations PDQ.

The tank is not empty but it's nearly so and covered such that the remaining water isn't contributing to the humidity and potential snafu.
If all goes according to plan I'll locate some DOW 795 tomorrow and have the tank mostly stripped by Sun night. It'll take a week or so of working evenings to get the interior clean to the degree necessary and during that time I'll also be looking for a handful of 55g's or similar. I have been shocked at what the local economy has done to the cost of tanks lately and just missed out on a 210 that sold last night but... eh. Very little calories needed to hang in these totes so each has an ayirstone, an FX6, a heater, and a reasonably secure lid. Oddly, they seem content and when I pop a lid to have a peek they're looking like they're ready for whatever's next.

Several of these Costco totes have a single fish in them and an FX6 on roughly 1/2 pressure. There are several other pics that are similarly set up and not in the photo. These are temporary and I'll scrounge up some better accommodations PDQ.

The tank is not empty but it's nearly so and covered such that the remaining water isn't contributing to the humidity and potential snafu.
If all goes according to plan I'll locate some DOW 795 tomorrow and have the tank mostly stripped by Sun night. It'll take a week or so of working evenings to get the interior clean to the degree necessary and during that time I'll also be looking for a handful of 55g's or similar. I have been shocked at what the local economy has done to the cost of tanks lately and just missed out on a 210 that sold last night but... eh. Very little calories needed to hang in these totes so each has an ayirstone, an FX6, a heater, and a reasonably secure lid. Oddly, they seem content and when I pop a lid to have a peek they're looking like they're ready for whatever's next.