8x3x3 hybrid tiger shovelnose

Fishman Dave

MFK Member
Nov 14, 2015
West Yorkshire
You could take him on but on the basis that he probably wouldn’t be able to live his whole life in your tank. I am assuming by hybrid shovel you mean tsnxrtc cross. And I am saying probably because a relative had one which grew to almost 3 ft in a 10x2x2 and was always going to rehome it at 18”, then again at 2ft and when it did pass away it was going up the side of the tank at an angle to turn round. Problem was that it got too big to get back out of the tank too. Of course, it did live the whole of its life in that tank but probably only half as long as it should have done.
Considering a tsnxrtc should reach 3ft and could reach 4 (not often seen!) then it will be getting a bit cramped for it - but you never know, you may have built a pond for it by then.
A true tiger shovelnose would probably live longer in your space than a cross. Victor aka thebiggerthebetter thebiggerthebetter will give you a better idea how long his take to get to 2 or 3 ft.
Although I wouldn’t advise having a big tsn in a glass box, they have an ability to set off very fast and not stop.
At the end of the day, it’s gonna have to be rehomed at some point by someone, it might as well have the better life till that day in bigger quarters. (Just be weary that they are much harder to rehome when big)


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 21, 2020
To add on to Fishman Dave Fishman Dave , perhaps a suggestion for your aquarium would be tigrinus catfish instead. Most reach only up to 22-28” in the home aquarium if kept properly, and look more stunning compared to shovel nose. Many ppl keep tigs with rays and bass.


MFK Member
Oct 25, 2022
Correct that's what I meant by hybrid, I don't want the cat too get too big in my tank too the point where it's effecting it's health then like you said trying to unload it becomes a job in itself. I'm kinda leaning toward taking him so he's not crammed right now but actively seeking someone who has a huge pond for him so he can live his days in a huge place. Ide rather have him knowing he's getting taken care of. I appreciate all the help on this. I definitely won't keep him for life..but him in my tank is alot better right now then what he would be crammed in..thanks for the help again Dave:)

As for a Tig, I've always wanted a tig but as of now ise need too find a decent size one as well and finding them is an absolute pain in the rear end!


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2016
I haven’t seen a hybrid exceed 30” in the last ten years. Mostlikely poor genes. But, with that being said. It’s a “4ft fish”.
You may do that bit better with a TSN long term, That’s more likely to stay a reasonable size.
There is so many other catfish that would suit those dimensions,
Learius mamortus
Learius Pictus
Just to name two attractive , active and easy to tame catfish.
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