My tank is now cycled, put all the old fish back that I had in my old 20 gallon tank; I may have to take out some fish if they are not compatible i.e one attacking another;
So far in my 90 gallon:
6 tiger barbs - 2 inches
2 golden severum - 1 inch/each
1 electric blue jack dempsey - 2 inches
1 blue acara - 3 inches
1 pearl gourami - 5 inches
1 angel - 4 inches
1 parrot cichlid - 3 inches
1 high fin butterfly pleco - 4 inches
thinking about getting a school of clown loaches
in my 40 gallon:
5 goldfish - 3 to 4 inches in avg
1 weather loach - 6 inches
I may setup another 40 gallon in my garage when the goldfish gets bigger