90 gallon stocking ideas

Abdullah Jubayer

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 25, 2017
Is that 2x6s for a 90? Overkill much lol. May want some inner bracing so it won't tip sideways though. Otherwise quality
Yes, they are 2x6. Last stand that I built for my 40 gallon was using 2x4. Thought of using 2x6 this time. I could have probably saved 20 dollars by using 2x4 instead. This is not done yet, I will put few more enforcements. Also this is a double decker stand where I will put a 90 gallon on top and 40 gallon in the bottom. I will post a picture of the finished product here later

Chockful O Phail

Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Feb 9, 2015
Council Bluffs, IA
Yes, they are 2x6. Last stand that I built for my 40 gallon was using 2x4. Thought of using 2x6 this time. I could have probably saved 20 dollars by using 2x4 instead. This is not done yet, I will put few more enforcements. Also this is a double decker stand where I will put a 90 gallon on top and 40 gallon in the bottom. I will post a picture of the finished product here later
Don't think you need it still but it'll sure hold it up lol. Do post pics when done, I like diy stuff.


I second the idea of a green terror, nice and gorgeous fish!
You could do a green terror and a oscar but you would have to do many water changes and overfilter the tank.
I wouldn't keep the pleco. They aren't algae eaters at that size anymore.
If you want a pleco, consider some fancy plecos. Most of them will do just fine in a 90 gallon aquarium. Green phantom plecos, blue phantoms, gold nuggets are just some examples.
Silverdollars are a tricky and sticky topic. Some people feel that they need a 6' tank to live but I feel 75 or 90 gallon is a good start. The bigger the better though, and I wouldn't keep wide bars or like in a 4' tank. Spotted silver dollars would do good in a 90 gallon though, they are real slow growers so you won't have to worry about them growing quick.
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Abdullah Jubayer

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 25, 2017
My tank is now cycled, put all the old fish back that I had in my old 20 gallon tank; I may have to take out some fish if they are not compatible i.e one attacking another;

So far in my 90 gallon:
6 tiger barbs - 2 inches
2 golden severum - 1 inch/each
1 electric blue jack dempsey - 2 inches
1 blue acara - 3 inches
1 pearl gourami - 5 inches
1 angel - 4 inches
1 parrot cichlid - 3 inches
1 high fin butterfly pleco - 4 inches
thinking about getting a school of clown loaches

in my 40 gallon:
5 goldfish - 3 to 4 inches in avg
1 weather loach - 6 inches

I may setup another 40 gallon in my garage when the goldfish gets bigger