I'm wanting to somewhat recreate this build but with a few changes. First from the floor of the tank to the bottom of the glass unsupported will be 8 inches. Also I won't be filling this thing all the way I want to leave about 5 inches from the top. From the bottom of the glass unsupported to the top of the water will be 35". The tank inside dimension will be 4' high by 8' long by 4' wide. I will also be making the glass 2" wider on every side than the window to help with reinforcing. I will also be using several 2*6 boards for bracing up top as well as.
What thickness of regular sheet glass would I need? Also with a braced plywood aquarium what is the minimum safety factor for regular glass? Thanks.

What thickness of regular sheet glass would I need? Also with a braced plywood aquarium what is the minimum safety factor for regular glass? Thanks.