• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

950 gallon plywood aquarium glass thickness question.

Glass or acrylic needs to be the same thickness as you would do for a regular tank build. It is still going to have the same amounts of pressure on it, just a bit different on the bracing.

As far as glass, I wouldn't consider under 3/4" if you are going 36"+ deep. Hell I was considering 3/4" when I do my build at 30" deep.
Yes regular glass. If it were me at 40" height I'd go with 1" to feel safe
Awesome thanks a million man. Just out of curiosity what is the standard safety factor supposed to be anyways?
My calculations are 22 mm (for a 3.5 safety factor) to as low as 18 mm (for a 2.5 safety factor.)

This is based upon a real depth of 35 inches of water.

The window itself of course will need to be a little taller to allow for the installation, but the thickness can still be calculated on depth below the water line of the exposed glass.)

I'd lean towards the higher number (22 mm.)
Is that for acrylic or float glass?