a pair of Channa Bleheri

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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very nice specimens there MOG !
nice photo as well...

do you notice any differences in male and females? like, attitude, physical features? i'm not sure if i have a breeding pair or not...

6 - 7 inches is very manageable.... my micropeltes has grown through the roof, and it looks like i'll have to seperate him & my striata soon....
to bleheri owners:

wow, these guys are pretty mellow. they don't even really go for live fish... at least not now... and they pretty shy.

anyone with similar characteristics with their bleheri?

i mean, my striata is a psycho neurotic, my micorpeltes is a freakn monster, and these bleheri are like the,,, monks of fish ??
i need a female:( then i can supply the us with then
PT57, i see you use sand. what kind of sand, and how do they like it?


thanks in advance ; )

That is just regular store bought sand from my LFS... (Not the "PLAY SAND" that's sold at Home Depot). Was labled "Monterey Sand" on the bag when i bought it.

Fish are fine with it. My fossilis catfish would sometimes burrow in it.

Used a regular old HOB power filter... (Penquin or Aquaclear?) just put a piece of sponge or filter padding around the intake tube, just in case sand would get sucked up. :)
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