I kinda feel bad now, but not really cause I did tell her to shut up and she was like why you scared of me. I'm like no, not at all.
See a while back (about 2 yrs ago) she thought I was after her guy...I wasn't, I barely even talked to him...we just worked together. I told her that I didn't want her man...why would I, I have enough problems with the one I got...why would I add another to the mix!
Well that was 2 FLIPPING years ago and she is STILL insisting I was trying to get him...whatever, Besides, I've never been into taking someone elses man. Stupid girl.
See a while back (about 2 yrs ago) she thought I was after her guy...I wasn't, I barely even talked to him...we just worked together. I told her that I didn't want her man...why would I, I have enough problems with the one I got...why would I add another to the mix!
Well that was 2 FLIPPING years ago and she is STILL insisting I was trying to get him...whatever, Besides, I've never been into taking someone elses man. Stupid girl.