Achara catfish lose of color

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Can you post photos of those other ones? If not and we have to take your words at the face value and nothing else changed - same tank, water, diet, aeration, furniture, etc. - then there may be something indeed special about your bigger achara.

Not necessary though. Achara have variable appearance and inhabit a wide geographic range. So their blending-in desire and ability may vary too.

This lil' cute button is too on the dark side for sure. In my eye.
I have had them go black on dark sand. Then I moved it to natural sand and it went back to normal colors. It is just blending. Older fish will blend darker like that as they feel the hiding spots don't cover them like they do when they are small. Unless you have a large log or something to completely cover them.
I have had them go black on dark sand. Then I moved it to natural sand and it went back to normal colors. It is just blending. Older fish will blend darker like that as they feel the hiding spots don't cover them like they do when they are small. Unless you have a large log or something to completely cover them.
OK thanks I'll just watch him he acts normal and eats well.