Acrylic Tank Canopy Design?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 4, 2024
a typical style canopy will work on acrylic just the same as the look of the thickness of ur material i would not be worried at all...i do not like canopys myself but have stacked other tanks on top of my acrylics for overhead sumps with no isses or worry. if you want hide everything and are still worried id maybe start with attaching brackets/hinges to the ceiling and hanging "doors" to achieve the look of a canopy but all the weight is on the ceiling. a great example of acrylic supporting a canopy would be the big tiered style retail/wholesale shop displays. the bottom acrylic tank of the tier supports 2 or move above itself...full of water at that.... a regular canopy would weight alot less.
Old but do you have a picture of tank sumps on top of your acrylic tanks?
I was gonna figure out how to make an above tank sump for my 180 that has a canopy.
I was just gonna do a 14 gallon tub to be honest and put the same amount of media that's in a fx6.