Adding new bio media to existing tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
A layer of plain filter floss or two would be simple and cheap. I'm partial to Poret foam as mechanical media, which cost a lot more than floss but can be cleaned and re-used for many years.

Gotta remember that polishing the water down to a very fine clarity means removing very small particles, which will clog media fairly quickly. You need to do a lot of floss replacing or foam rinsing/squeezing to really see the benefits. I like two or three layers of Poret, with the first layer a bit coarser than the remaining ones. I clean the first layer, which catches the largest debris, several times weekly at least, often daily if I have the time. This makes the finer stuff last a lot longer between required cleanings.

You have fewer options with a small HOB than are available with sumps, just because of the space restrictions. I don't know anything about Tidal HOB's, but some HOB' Aquaclears...make it very easy to remove/clean/replace media.
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Seachem 110s are similar to the Aquaclear. The Tidals have a basket in back that pops out and access to the media is easy.
From bottom to top I have a sponge, 2 layers of filter floss, my media bag, then the polishing pad. Later today I will be adding a second media bag in with the 1st and the purigen at the top of it all. I found a Poret kit on amazon that comes with one 20, 30, and 40 ppi sponges that I can cut down to fit my 110s. Maybe I'll toss my current sponge and give these a try down the road.

I think the biggest and unfortunately unchangeable thing is that the fish in there are just kicking up particles from the sand faster than the 2 110s can get it cleaned up.

I will try cleaning out the sponge and filter floss more frequently. The layered Poret sounds like a good idea also though, thank you!
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