• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

African leaf fish "Polycentropsis abbreviata"

Tydus- As far as temperment they would go we'll with SA leaffish but SA leaffish grow alot faster it would seem and may pose a threat to them also they like all most oposite water params

Mobatic- Yes he reminds me of a tiny Datnoid as we'll

Thanks for the comments everyone else also like alot of leaf type fish they are said to be very hard to get of live food but i did it i can all most hand feed him he'll take food if he just sees my fingers but if my hole hand is in the tank he useually won't take it but does once in a while but isn't afraid of my hand other wise i can put my hand in the tank to do mantinence and he doesn't care and even bit my finger once
Congrats! these are definately on my must have list

you mentioned you got yours off live food, what are you feeding?
He eats all sorts of stuff i mainly feed him Krill, shrimp and fish fillets he was eating blood worms but hasn't taken any interest in them for the past few months he will eat earth worms sometimes but not all ways

Hes a very odd eater i've noticed that he likes to be able to totally engulph his food he won't shuffle it around or spit it out then grab it again like many fish will he goes all or nothing with his food if he grabs something and catches it by the side he'll hold it for a little bit then drop it but when ever he hits the food dead on ( which is around 80-90% of the time ) and can fit it length wise down his mouth he will accept it i also remember him not likeing foods that are too hard but i am going to try cichlid food stick socked a little first and see what happens