African Night Crawlers


I'm looking at your soul
MFK Member
Jun 28, 2013
in the Living Water
Peat moss, just spray some water on it, don't get it too wet, the worms just need it lightly wet. topped with newspaper there's where the food is offered don't let it get to the peat moss so it won't foul the moss quicker, the moss can be replaced every 6-8months. But right now because my brother just got a dog I can't really raise any worms so I just collect em in a near pig farm of my uncle's, pretty much I don't have to cultivate them on my own, I harvest for 4 months daily already and it seems that they're still a million in numbers to me. But for the worm you're getting you won't really have that time to wait for them to cultivate, you do have to make it more and wait for 1-3weeks or so in order to make them cultivate on their own. The feedings is every 2-3 days, just replace the newspaper every other feeding then that's that. Don't let it be under direct sunlight, make sure it's just near to room tempt, extra 2-4 degrees for faster metabolism, just wait for a month or so and they'e reproduce a stable amount, that's like 10-15 earthworms a day would be enough as everyday's harvest, chop em up/ offer them live, and make sure that the container they're in is not that clamped or there will be no escape for their excreted gas which may turn up to ammonia when some worms dies make sure to toss it as it may foul the peat moss. It's my own experience were talking about and I have no problems regarding raising them.

+advice make sure you're gonna offer some peas for the fish, a earthworm may end up bloating your fish, so a little 'poop helper' is needed.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 6, 2013
Peat moss, just spray some water on it, don't get it too wet, the worms just need it lightly wet. topped with newspaper there's where the food is offered don't let it get to the peat moss so it won't foul the moss quicker, the moss can be replaced every 6-8months. But right now because my brother just got a dog I can't really raise any worms so I just collect em in a near pig farm of my uncle's, pretty much I don't have to cultivate them on my own, I harvest for 4 months daily already and it seems that they're still a million in numbers to me. But for the worm you're getting you won't really have that time to wait for them to cultivate, you do have to make it more and wait for 1-3weeks or so in order to make them cultivate on their own. The feedings is every 2-3 days, just replace the newspaper every other feeding then that's that. Don't let it be under direct sunlight, make sure it's just near to room tempt, extra 2-4 degrees for faster metabolism, just wait for a month or so and they'e reproduce a stable amount, that's like 10-15 earthworms a day would be enough as everyday's harvest, chop em up/ offer them live, and make sure that the container they're in is not that clamped or there will be no escape for their excreted gas which may turn up to ammonia when some worms dies make sure to toss it as it may foul the peat moss. It's my own experience were talking about and I have no problems regarding raising them.

+advice make sure you're gonna offer some peas for the fish, a earthworm may end up bloating your fish, so a little 'poop helper' is needed.
Alright thanks again. I think I'd go back to cartimar to get some moss. I have sphagnum moss here but Im not sure if that'd work. Would it?

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MFK Member
Oct 21, 2012
San Francisco
I think its this one

So earthworms arent really good food for my polys then? I wanted to max out growth and based on what Ive read vitamins are more essential in order for my fish to grow properly. Gonna do more research then. What do you feed your fish?

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I'm just saying "as is" with no added veggies or vitamins. It could be that they are loaded with stuff, but I couldn't find that anywhere in my research. If you gut load them or shoot them up with vitamins, I think they are pretty decent as then they become attractive and nutritious.

I'd mix up high quality pellets, worms, shrimp, fish on a rotating basis with no worries. Worms can be gut loaded and veggie pellets can be shoved inside shrimp pieces.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 6, 2013
I'm just saying "as is" with no added veggies or vitamins. It could be that they are loaded with stuff, but I couldn't find that anywhere in my research. If you gut load them or shoot them up with vitamins, I think they are pretty decent as then they become attractive and nutritious.

I'd mix up high quality pellets, worms, shrimp, fish on a rotating basis with no worries. Worms can be gut loaded and veggie pellets can be shoved inside shrimp pieces.
Thats what I feed mine as well. Except for the worm part cause I feed my grow outs some frozen bloodworms. They love it but others say bloodworms suck when it comes to nutrition. Thats why Im looking for a different type of food that I can gut load. Ive tried feeding them meal worms tho. Easy to gut load and maintain. Hard to find here tho

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MFK Member
Jan 3, 2006
You're going to need to start with more than 3 worms if you want to culture them.

Ask the folks selling them by the kilo how they culture them...what they feed them, etc. Then get a kilo from them to get started...

Bichirs are I wouldn't worry so much about ensuring that they get their greens... I fed mine worms, raw shrimp and sinking pellets.



I tried to make my own box using an improv bucket with a lid. I filled it with wet paper and soil, stirred it all up and added 3 worms I got from the garden. Just gonna test this out. If nothing happens then I guess I'd be better off buying a kilo of worms lol. Whay kind of substrate do you use for yours?

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 6, 2013
You're going to need to start with more than 3 worms if you want to culture them.

Ask the folks selling them by the kilo how they culture them...what they feed them, etc. Then get a kilo from them to get started...

Bichirs are I wouldn't worry so much about ensuring that they get their greens... I fed mine worms, raw shrimp and sinking pellets.


Yea I just prepared the substrate for them and will be getting half a kilo of worms on Tuesday. These things are expensive. Lol.

Indeed they are. Just want to make sure they get their vitamins so I could grow monsters

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