Albino jag?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Wow awesome collection of fish you have there.
Damn Nocontrol i've never seen a Xanthic jag that nice before. the one floating around that bolty and mbunafishkeeper owned was nice and rare but your jag takes the cake for sure

nice choice in on the tank mates too
Most interesting that fact then,when my friend bought it was usual jaguar cichlid.
Previous owner said that jaguar was 3 years old and was brought from Germany.
Here is his photo at that moment:

And then he started to change his colour:


process took about a year, then he become gold)
My friend says that this phenomenon known as "Ksantism" Don't know how it is in English.
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the change over of that Jag is amazing! I have a couple of males, wish that would happen, hehe
noc0ntrol;4716164; said:
Most interesting that fact then,when my friend bought it was usual jaguar cichlid.
Previous owner said that jaguar was 3 years old and was brought from Germany.
And then he started to change his colour:
process took about a year, then he become gold)
My friend says that this phenomenon known as "Ksantism" Don't know how it is in English.

What a transformation. From memory, the jag Bolty had was a normal colored jag too and also changed at an older age.
On a side note. I along with many others would love to see a thread of your own displaying some of your collection.:D
greenterra;4716706; said:
What a transformation. From memory, the jag Bolty had was a normal colored jag too and also changed at an older age.
On a side note. I along with many others would love to see a thread of your own displaying some of your collection.:D

greenterra;4716706; said:
What a transformation. From memory, the jag Bolty had was a normal colored jag too and also changed at an older age.
On a side note. I along with many others would love to see a thread of your own displaying some of your collection.:D
I know this is off topic but.... I bought a pair of GTs today and would like ur help on breeding and makin 'em more bulkier, cuz u have the best lookin GTs man.