Albino, Leucistic, Xanthic, Melanistic, etc. Fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Some more color morphs found online
Erythristic Datnoid- from Venus Aquatics
Melanistic Datnoid- Kelson Exotic Fishes
Weird Morph Alligator Gar- From Big-Aqua
Platinum Longnose Gar- From Big-Aqua
The best looking Platinum Rtc I have ever seen- From Kaitori King Kongerythristic datnoid.png melanistic dat.png weird skeleton alligator gar.png plat longnose gar.png snow rtc.jpg
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Reactions: Iamfish
That anery datnoids is awesome!

K krichardson
It along with all the other light color morph datnoids looks like a chromide to me.
some color morph cats from the legendary kaitori-king-kong
stunning snow tsn
platinum pangasius
platinum synodontis
the fattest albino granulosus I have ever seen
albino/leucsistc catfish that I can't id
plat tsn 4.jpg platinum shark catfish.jpg platinum synodtonis.jpg albino granulated biggest.jpg albino what.jpg
More color morph cafish
first 2 pics found by GiantFishKeeper101 GiantFishKeeper101 , I am reposting them here so people can see them
Other 2 pics found online
Leucistic Brachyplatystoma rousseuxxi
Albino Brachyplatystoma Vaillantii
What looks to be an albino Trachy and leucistic Trachy
What looks to be an albino Apurensis
leucistic rousseuxii.jpg albino vaillantii.jpg albino trachy.png albino apure.png