All Hybrids that I can find on MFK

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
If I had to pick one I gotta say out of all of these that the Dempsey x Texas is probably my favorite. So many pearls and their colors just compliment one another and blend so well. That and the texas x midas was pretty sweet too. Gotta love the texas cross!
Unfortunate for this thread that we get pics of blue acara, nics, spilirum, with a claim of them being some type of hybrid! Not only that, but many pictures of crosses with speculation as to what somebody thinks they are, even though they do not own the fish and it's origins are unknown. And some of the speculation is obviously "out to lunch". Too bad. This thread COULD have made a good sticky.

Nevertheless, I'll post my pics of dovii X festae, showing a progression from 6 months of age, to almost 2 yrs. old. At least I know for sure what I have, since I crossed the fish myself and have lot's of video footage of the parents with fry.

6 months old. Aprox. 4-5". Actually a different individual then the preceding pics, but gives an idea what it looks like at this age. Had greater resemblence to juvie Festae at this age:


1 yr. old. 8" . 2 pictures, latter threatening with male con:



1 1/2 yr. old. aprox. 9". Starting to look more dovii -like:


Almost 2 yrs. old. 10" :

BC in SK;4542310; said:
Unfortunate for this thread that we get pics of blue acara, nics, spilirum, with a claim of them being some type of hybrid! Not only that, but many pictures of crosses with speculation as to what somebody thinks they are, even though they do not own the fish and it's origins are unknown. And some of the speculation is obviously "out to lunch". Too bad. This thread COULD have made a good sticky.

Nevertheless, I'll post my pics of dovii X festae, showing a progression from 6 months of age, to almost 2 yrs. old. At least I know for sure what I have, since I crossed the fish myself and have lot's of video footage of the parents with fry.

6 months old. Aprox. 4-5". Actually a different individual then the preceding pics, but gives an idea what it looks like at this age. Had greater resemblence to juvie Festae at this age:


1 yr. old. 8" . 2 pictures, latter threatening with male con:



1 1/2 yr. old. aprox. 9". Starting to look more dovii -like:


Almost 2 yrs. old. 10" :

turned out really nice.
The EBJD x Jag is definately the best looking hybrid closely followed by the Dovii x Festae. But i did notice that this one wasn't in here, it's not mine but saw it on a thread in the other hybrid section.

These are young males. They are from a male managuense to a female nic dovii. Out of one of their spawns I kept a handful of fry out of sheer curiosity. They did well and are now starting to hint at what they are going to look like as adults. Lots of potential for deep blues, purples.
The cool thing is that, like both jags and dovii, their colors and patterns change depending on mood, stress, etc. Sometimes you see the jag, other times you see the dovii- kind of like a jekyl and hyde thing.