And I thought Dovii and Flowerhorns were unstoppable!?!

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Parachromis are known for their aggression, cunning, teeth, speed and strength. They’re the ultimate package in a cichlid. Especially dovii and RTM, the average jag isn’t as bad as the average RTM or Dovii. Even if they lose the first encounter they’d just lay low and wait for another chance to attack. From my experience Buttikoferi don’t know when to back down. Flowerhorns have heart. They’re too slow and clumsy to even have a chance against other cichlids of similar size tho.
I’m not tryna debate on what cichlid is the meanest or what cichlid is bad enough to take on a rhom and win. It can go either way, but that should’ve never happened. The owner is just cruel.

I recently had a few Neets. Neetropolus nematopus. Man, those things are something else. I personally believe pound for pound they'd take out anyone, they got tough jaws for algae and teeth! Sheesh, 3-4 inch specimens send 8 inch fish to corners. Imagine a 12 inch Neet LOL!
I recently had a few Neets. Neetropolus nematopus. Man, those things are something else. I personally believe pound for pound they'd take out anyone, they got tough jaws for algae and teeth! Sheesh, 3-4 inch specimens send 8 inch fish to corners. Imagine a 12 inch Neet LOL!
Neets are definitely tough,the toughest pound for pound I’d give it to convicts or salvini. Grammodes are definitely up there with those 3 too
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Neets are definitely tough,the toughest pound for pound I’d give it to convicts or salvini. Grammodes are definitely up there with those 3 too

Gotta get yourself some, very few people ever actually talk about em'. I tried the first time and not even a jewel or convict pair could fight off the alpha male neet which was their size. They lip lock, take pot shots at the gut, shred fins, really brutal. The convict pair kept my jag and trimac on the other side, but the 3 inch neet was too much lol. They're like African mbuna crazy.
Neets are definitely tough,the toughest pound for pound I’d give it to convicts or salvini. Grammodes are definitely up there with those 3 too
I'd agree with that. Convicts are some of the meanest fish out there. I've even seen them being kept with piranha before and still hold their own. Only time I've ever seen one get eaten by a piranha is when it's out of hiding spots because it grew too big. Seen em even kill piranha before, usually they just shred their fins till the other piranha eat the weakest one.
I'd agree with that. Convicts are some of the meanest fish out there. I've even seen them being kept with piranha before and still hold their own. Only time I've ever seen one get eaten by a piranha is when it's out of hiding spots because it grew too big. Seen em even kill piranha before, usually they just shred their fins till the other piranha eat the weakest one.

Red Belly Piranhas are no Rhom Piranha like the one in the videos of this thread.
It's like comparing a Firemouth to a Dovii... very very different. Red Belly's are very skittish and often times rarely kill healthy fish (unless they're hungry) they normally scavenge and kill sick/old fish in the wild. Rhom piranhas on the other hand are solitary predators.
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Red Belly Piranhas are no Rhom Piranha like the one in the videos of this thread.
It's like comparing a Firemouth to a Dovii... very very different. Red Belly's are very skittish and often times rarely kill healthy fish (unless they're hungry) they normally scavenge and kill sick/old fish in the wild. Rhom piranhas on the other hand are solitary predators.
Yeah I know the difference very well. RBP are honestly some of the biggest wusses when it comes to piranha species. Hell even exodons are more aggressive then a RBP, but I've still seen convicts beat the living $heet out of fish 20-30x their own size with no mercy. I've seen my lfs add convicts in with black diamond rhoms and just end up with a dead rhom within an hour. All just because the rhom has no way of fighting back against a couple of fish a fraction of its own size, especially when the convicts double team it. Kind of hard to fight something that can move faster then you can, is more agile then you and has numbers on its side. Granted it's a bit different when it's just 1 fish against 1 fish, eventually the convict would be grabbed by the rhom but I doubt that would do much to stop the convict from continuing the assault unless he killed/crippled it in that 1 bite.

Ik the same lfs had one of my lil baby flowerhorns, it was the last one left over that they hadn't sold yet, in with a few big RBP's and they did nothing to her, and yes the FH did get sold at some point, but even I was surprised that a lil 3in FH ruled a 200g tank with 3, 9in RBP's in it. She had em all piled into one corner the entire time she was in with em. I would've figured they would've eaten her but nope she was the boss of that whole tank. Someone else bought the RBP's shortly after they sold the FH.
Yeah I know the difference very well. RBP are honestly some of the biggest wusses when it comes to piranha species. Hell even exodons are more aggressive then a RBP, but I've still seen convicts beat the living $heet out of fish 20-30x their own size with no mercy. I've seen my lfs add convicts in with black diamond rhoms and just end up with a dead rhom within an hour. All just because the rhom has no way of fighting back against a couple of fish a fraction of its own size, especially when the convicts double team it. Kind of hard to fight something that can move faster then you can, is more agile then you and has numbers on its side. Granted it's a bit different when it's just 1 fish against 1 fish, eventually the convict would be grabbed by the rhom but I doubt that would do much to stop the convict from continuing the assault unless he killed/crippled it in that 1 bite.

Ik the same lfs had one of my lil baby flowerhorns, it was the last one left over that they hadn't sold yet, in with a few big RBP's and they did nothing to her, and yes the FH did get sold at some point, but even I was surprised that a lil 3in FH ruled a 200g tank with 3, 9in RBP's in it. She had em all piled into one corner the entire time she was in with em. I would've figured they would've eaten her but nope she was the boss of that whole tank. Someone else bought the RBP's shortly after they sold the FH.

Convicts are tough.

I find it hard to believe a Rhom couldn't just eat the convicts a "fraction of his size". Rhoms generally don't get territorial and aggressive until the 7-9 inch mark ish. Some never come out of their shell though so who knows. If the Rhom or RBPs weren't fed for just a couple of days the outcome I'm sure would be VERY different lol

Convicts are tough, I'll give em that. But overrated IMO, I've had juvie red devils and dovii I'm talking 2-2.5 inches bust up convicts around 3-4 inch range. Then you get people saying "but they were breeding"... people, any cichlid breeding are psycho, it's their duty to be so the fry can survive. There are so many other cichlids when breeding are much worse and much more able to damage than the little convicts.
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Convicts are tough.

I find it hard to believe a Rhom couldn't just eat the convicts a "fraction of his size". Rhoms generally don't get territorial and aggressive until the 7-9 inch mark ish. Some never come out of their shell though so who knows. If the Rhom or RBPs weren't fed for just a couple of days the outcome I'm sure would be VERY different lol

Convicts are tough, I'll give em that. But overrated IMO, I've had juvie red devils and dovii I'm talking 2-2.5 inches bust up convicts around 3-4 inch range. Then you get people saying "but they were breeding"... people, any cichlid breeding are psycho, it's their duty to be so the fry can survive. There are so many other cichlids when breeding are much worse and much more able to damage than the little convicts.
It’s hard because convicts are wayyyyyy too quick for bigger fish to catch lol
My 12” buttikoferi can’t catch my 2” pair.
What’s overrated in terms of aggression are flowerhorns imo. They have heart, I’ll give them that, but they lack the strength or speed to hold their own against other cichlids of similar size. They’re way too slow and clumsy. They’re kind of like Texas cichlids, biting off more than they could chew and picking fights they can’t win.
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