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Any Wrestling Fans

This last PPV was meh...nothing really changed.

I can't believe I'm going to say this but the only highlight was Rollins showing up and taking Reigns out.

I've enjoyed the time with Rollins out but I guess it's over. Cena will show up in another week as well. Haven't heard anything on Orton(wonder if he'll be a heel or face). I was reading they have been keeping Sasha Banks off TV for plot reasons.

The Big Show and Kane have not been on TV for unknown reasons.

Bray Watt is hurt which is why we haven't seen him or his group.
What's up with Enzo,is he still out due to injury?
I hope Enzo comes back soon and they continue his mic routine with the seven foot guy.They were a fresh act and pretty funny....unlike most of everything else that has been going on on RAW.
Interestingly enough there has been a recent slew of "NXT call ups" showing up on RAW yet Fin Balor,one of the hottest indy talents to be signed by WWE has not shown up yet.They have their knockoff Bullet Club though lol!
I actually fell asleep hours earlier and just awoke as he was on.Good thing they have a replay on SyFy on Fridays.