What a FUN and AWESOME WWE Royal Rumble RECAP show! Michael Petty did a FANTASTIC job in his first PPV recap show! The Road To WrestleMania 38 began this Past Saturday!
Michael and I discussed whether the 2022 edition of the WWE Royal Rumble lived up to it's expectations, we discussed our favorite matches, we shared our thoughts on the Royal Rumble, and more! We also discussed what could happen on the Road To WrestleMania and get ready for the WWE Elimination Chamber.
Can Reigns VS. Goldberg be possible for WWE EC?
Find out all that and watch this awesome PPV recap show!
Enjoy, click the link below to watch!
#royalrumble2022 #WWERoyalRumble #BrockLesnar #rondarousey #WWE #WWEEliminationChamber