Too many operations. Maybe he can fight Kaili
hahahaha, that's cold!
Too many operations. Maybe he can fight Kaili
It's a train wreak in slow motionhahahaha, that's cold!
Oh Brother!...what's he gonna do,recreate the post Super Bowl scene and have one of the Divas interview him backstage and have him holler and frighten her?
Yep, who remembers Lawrence Taylor in his Wrestlemania match?...He was so exhausted and body taxed when it was over he was damn near carried to the back after he barely got out of the ring under his own power.
As long as he's not physically involved in any matches I don't care...Every time he comes down to the ring it amazes me how the place reacts to him after all these years...the people act as if he is still champion of the world rather than some washed up,broken down has been.I didn't expect him to do anything for TNA besides go through the motions while sucking them dry.He won't have such free reign in the Universe of course.
Lol,really?...Most WWE fans might also feel that way but over at TNA where he was brought in to help boost ratings but didn't positively impact them at all really,management decided enough was enough.The ratings didn't warrant his huge salary and he wasn't renewed.He was able to get his no talent daughter a few paychecks and I'm amazed he didn't dust off and bring in the Nasty Boys.