Cena only has the titles because of the Daniel Bryan injury ... the plan was going to have Brock take on Daniel at Sumerslam. It would be a darn shame if Cena breaks Flair's record. Damn shame.
Glad Reigns didn't win the title, not sold he's 100% ready to carry it yet. I think I mentioned before, didn't want his push rushed just to flame out like they did Sheamus' first one. But I am tired of seeing Cena and Orten, I think Kane winning would have be rather interesting. Would have caused some good friction in the Authority.
You know, I keep saying I am tired of the Usos vs the Wyatts ... but they honestly have turned in the best match each time on the last few PPV's ... so I can see why they are milking that cow. Plus, there isn't really another team with any oomph to challenge them. Instead of burying some of the good mid card talent like Damien Sandow, they need to make a new team or two and build them up.
The Miz winning was a no brainer, coming off his movie filming and returning.
AJ and Paige was kind of sloppy and disappointing.
Jericho winning off his return shouldn't be a surprise, wouldn't doubt that feud is over yet.