Anybody here killed a fish on purpose?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Freezer treatment on Pacus and Oscars should come as no surprise..

I have seen a local fish store do the baggy-slam on these guys quite a few times. If people werent so ignorant and didn't buy pacus and oscars in groups of 4-6 for 55g tanks, we wouldnt have this problem. "Heeeee-yuck!! Look at dem dur Oscars eat and my big red pacuranas are like pirhanas! Heeyuck! Lets buy mo fish ma!"
I have just killed really sick fish which were going to die anyway. I hope when I get my big tank I only have fish which will not grow too big for it and if they do have plans for where to put it eg public aquarium. I am not sure if I want to use feeders incase I bring disese into my tank. I have also killed fish when fishing.
DeLgAdO said:

Actually, goldies top out at about a foot.

I've killed some koi on purpose. I knew they were going to die anyhow and didn't want to watch them suffer (they had bacterial gill disease once they loose their balance they're pretty well done for). Only things I've had to euth other than some feeders that had a viscious strain of finrot that was eating flesh. Clove oil is what I use.
I have had to "put fish down" the ones that were really my female red oscar... :cry: Put her in the freezer. She was very sick, lost her will to eat, and then her swim bladder went kaput...She contracted hole-in-the-head, we tried lots of methods to cure her, but she was too far gone. We did cure our male though... :)
i bought a silver dollar ar walmart, so i thought. but turns out it was a silver pacu. they dont even have those at my walmart. but now hes getting to big fast. ive had him for a yr and he grew from 1" to about 13"s. i dont want to kill em, what should i do? will he live in pond around here in illinois during the winter?
fishnthings said:
i bought a silver dollar ar walmart, so i thought. but turns out it was a silver pacu. they dont even have those at my walmart. but now hes getting to big fast. ive had him for a yr and he grew from 1" to about 13"s. i dont want to kill em, what should i do? will he live in pond around here in illinois during the winter?

Fry it up and eat it.
you also put a catfish in with a redsnakehead :D
im buying a wolf fish to feed to my sh tommrow :D