• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Anything Caquetaia!

based on what I read this is correct.

we need some up to date books published on new world cichlids!
really? I have not seen any official reclassification yet, or have I missed something.
I am still under the impression that there is still only one spp of kronoheros umbrifera with different catch locations and there still looking into wether to split it up into different spp.
surly if they are split into different spp then all catch locations would come under kronoheros and as the panama loction was first to be described (meek & Hildebrand 1913) then that would be called kronoheros umbrifera with the other types being kronoheros ------.?
based on what I read this is correct.

we need some up to date books published on new world cichlids!
really? I have not seen any official reclassification yet, or have I missed something.
I am still under the impression that there is still only one spp of kronoheros umbrifera with different catch locations and there still looking into wether to split it up into different spp.
surly if they are split into different spp then all catch locations would come under kronoheros and as the panama loction was first to be described (meek & Hildebrand 1913) then that would be called kronoheros umbrifera with the other types being kronoheros ------.?
really? I have not seen any official reclassification yet, or have I missed something.
I am still under the impression that there is still only one spp of kronoheros umbrifera with different catch locations and there still looking into wether to split it up into different spp.
surly if they are split into different spp then all catch locations would come under kronoheros and as the panama loction was first to be described (meek & Hildebrand 1913) then that would be called kronoheros umbrifera with the other types being kronoheros ------.?

this is why I was originally asking if the whole shebang had been reclassified into kronoheros - Umbeeking lists his wild Lake Guatape (and I believe the gorillus' as well) as kronoheros, both of which are colombian. But the rio magdalenas are still going by caquetaia. I think the Panamas are also being called kronoheros now? not 100% sure

in case umbrifera variants weren't confusing enough yet