April Price List

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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do gymnogeos need an unheated tank?
You can go with us in December and catch your own. ;) I may bring in some fish from Felipe this summer, don't know yet. Ken
I'd so love to, but I can't. Just not going to work out. Work is less than steady right now, so yeah. :(

One day though, mark my words, I'm going with you somewhere!! LoL! VIVA LA CRENICICHLA!!!
Hey Ken, you got a May price/ stock list?
I might be interested in some of the gymnos. They should be fine with the minuano, right? the carpintis is being sold so there shouldn't be any aggression problems.
How big do most of them get, and how many do you have left?
The Rhabdotus (rhabdotus and meridionalis) group stay samll @3-3.5" , others can get 5". Look at my price list for what's available. Gymnos do fine with pikes. Ken
Nowhere near large enough to outgrow the tank the pikes are in then. You can sex them all at the size they are at, right? have you managed to breed any of them?
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