Hello everyone. I'm jumping back into this hobby after a few years of being lost. I used to have a 210 planted tank that I kept native predator fish in but I had some issues back then that I'm trying to fix or avoid with the 225 I'm about to start setting up. First of all, the old tank busted a floor joist under the house. I had a contractor jack up the house, replace the floor joist, dig out a flat spot under where the tank sits, and fill with concrete to make what looked like a little sidewalk. He then stacked cinder blocks all the way across it and not just in the corners, but the entire area that's directly under the aquarium. He then sat the house back down with the new floor joist resting on the cinder blocks. While he was under there I also had him drill a hole in the floor behind the aquarium and run a half inch line from the water line under the house, through the floor, up behind the aquarium, and hooked over the back of it with a little ball valve to make water changes that much easier. I also had a lot of evaporation going on so every couple of days I could just turn the handle and top it back off for a couple of minutes. Before with the old tank I had carpet and issues with the tank sitting level. I used wooden shims between the tank and the stand which is probably a terrible idea but it didn't help much. I just recently pulled all of the carpet up in that part of the house and laid down hardwood so that should be much better for the tank and stand to sit on and hopefully it will sit more level. I've recently read about people using rubber aquarium leveling mats to go between the tank and stand to absorb some of the areas that are a little off. I can't find any 72"x24" mats that are in stock but there are plenty of 36"x24" in stock that I could buy two of for around $20 each, which isn't too terribly bad. What I'm wonder, and what this thread was supposed to be about before I started rambling on, is if these mats available online that are marketed specifically for the purpose of leveling an aquarium are any different than the giant rolls of rubber mats for sale at Lowe's or Home Depot that are marketed mainly for using under flooring in areas like gyms or weight lifting rooms but are also understood to be universally usable for anything else requiring a rubber mat. If these universal rubber mats are 100% just as good for leveling an aquarium, that would be a much better deal. It's much cheaper, there would probably be enough extra left over to use with some of my other tanks I'll be setting up in the future, and Lowe's is 5 miles down the road from my house, which is better than $15 shipping and waiting 2 weeks. I'm wondering if anyone else has had any experience with this and what you think about it. Sorry for the long thread, I appreciate anyone who took the time to read all of this.