Aquarium silicone sealant comparisons

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hi, I've been reading and reading and feeling unsure and overwhelmed. I have a 6 ft 125 gallon tempered glass aquarium, which I think is leaking from the bottom. I've never resealed a tank myself. I've watched some videos and between my husband and I (I'll do all the prep and he will do the caulking) I think we can do it. So many different options and opinions on what to actually use. I want something that will work well, and not have to worry about if it's going to be ok long term. I like the looks of black, but has anyone actually for real figured out if it's better or not? I was looking at these two (see links below). Is one better than the other? Or is there anything better? How many should be needed to complete a 125 gallon? Thanks for any help!
Has anyone had the opportunity to use and compare the following silicone sealants?
Some better than others? Failures? Recommendations?
  • GE Construction Sealant SCS1200 (may be too soft)
  • GE-012A (GE 1 blue tube. Used to say "safe for aquarium use" years ago).
  • Ge RTV 108
  • GE IS808
  • All Glass (AGA)
  • Permatex 16B
  • CRL 99AS
  • Perennator AQ201
  • Perrenator V43-5
  • Perennator 788
  • Dow Corning 791
  • Wacker Elastosil 4300 (same as Elastosil 121)
  • Perfecto
  • Dap
Supposedly GE is making a lot of this stuff according to other forums, including AGA.

The Wacker (pronounced "vacker) stuff is supposed to be outstanding but is not available in retail anymore, at least not in the states. Too bad because I scored one cartridge in black and I needed a few more to finish my project.

Perennator is German like Wacker and is available in the states but is expensive. I hear it too is a very good product.

Since folks here are talking about silicone caulking in general, does that mean that the talk of "aquarium safe silicone" is overrated?
I only read the last 4 pages so excuse me if this was already noted. When I had glass tank built almost two years ago I almost opted for black silicone. This may be silicone brand dependent, but based on my discussions with the builder there was never concern about clear being better than black silicone, FWIW. That is, in his mind it was strictly athetics picking one or the other.

I didn't know to ask what products he used, but I do know he used DAP black silicone when putting in the internal overflow.
Well this has been a very interesting read, all 25 pages or so. No real consists that I can see, however it left me with the impression that GE I is pretty much preferred over GE II. Correct?
From my experience in resealing Alot of tanks and also building glass tanks is that GE SCS 1200 is amazing silicone and helps give that extra bite that the specs say. Very high if not highest tensile strength of all silicone sealant.
I do find that black does not stick as well as the clear. This comes from striping old inner seals that has been submerged. Much easier to remove with less film left behind on glass.
Now it could quite be that it has something to do with being submerged and when not submerged it is just as strong. This is why specs say no difference between colors as they do not recommend it being submerged for liability reasons.
GE II sometimes had mold inhibitors, and sometimes not, but it does cure with ammonia and that is the problems when done in large quantities that don't have time to cure (weeks).

GE I cures with vinegar, so even if not cured, all it does is the equivalent of carbon dosing.

Lol where did you get this info?? It definitely does not cure with vinager.
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