Hi! I was hoping to get some feedback on aquascaping a 180 gallon that would house approximately 7 larger geophagus sp.
I was planning on adding some tougher plants ( planting about 1/3 of tank) with Vallisneria, Amazon swords, Nympaea rubra, and possibly hairgrass.
It would be low-tech setup with two- 32 inch Finnex Ray-2 fixture lights. Would this be adequate?
Also, what do you think of my adding a substrate at the base with something like eco-complete, topping it with a gravel layer and then putting a deeper sand substrate like Caribsea Instant aquarium sand on top?
Would this not work,will the geo's eventually stir this all together and I would have dirt where sand should be and vice versa?
Can I see pictures of what you have done for aquascaping for your Geo's? Could you also describe what kind of substrate you use?
I would definitely stick with the swords, crypts, water wisteria, and Val. They grow really tough root systems and shouldn't be too easily dug up and they grow big to fill in the background and sides. Here's a pic of my 55 that was comparable to what you're trying to do. I threw in home made osmocote root tabs, t5 lighting for 8 hrs and didn't dose the water column.