Are Red Headed Tapajos or Bolivian Rams more Aggressive?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I have kept Tapajos (10 in a 180G), I haven’t kept Mikrogeophagus Altisinosis but have kept Mikrogeophagus Ramirizi.

In my opinion the Tapajos are harmless, their bark is bigger than their bite, if you get my drift. They do display shows of aggression especially when spawning, but very rarely does this result in damage. On the other hand when I kept M. Ramirizi and found them to be quite aggressive, to the point they would take on almost fully grown Pterophyllum Altum.

Of course, the normal rules apply that each fish has its own personality and nothing is set in stone
So reading everyone's responses, it sounds like the Red Head Tapajos are gentle giants, and even when mating they don't really hurt anyone when protecting eggs.
What would everyone suggest as a quantity I should get? Red Sea Peninsula 500, Display 105 gal, sump 27 for a total of 132gal. It sounds like too few or too many are an issue
3 is to few. 5-7 should work. I have 3 sub-adults and the odd one out is always getting chased. I have 7 fry that I am growing out to add to the group.
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