• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

are these parasites?

Those dots look about exactly like what my fish have. I have some cichlids; texas, midas, gt, that have little dot pimple looking things on their fins and tails. I have tried some jungle parasite stuff that I have added 2x and did water changes on and they are still there. My fish's behavior hasn't really changed but it is still concerning. I don't mean to high jack this thread but it seems like we have the same problem. Let's figure this out.

So what kind of salt can one add? Sea salt from the grocery? Softener salt? There's no petstores in my town so official fish tank salt is out of the question for me at least.
And I have a bicher in my tank too. Guess I don't know much about them either.
I have same problem with my NTT. what i did was using the salt bath to treated it. i used 5 teaspoon (3 teaspoon = 1 tablespoon) per 2 litter or 1/2gal. they said the put the fish in the salt solution untill the fish start to rolled over or 30mins max. Not all fish will handle this solution. start of with a lower dose and work your way up.

just bring the concentration up to 0.3%, which is about 1 tablespoon/gallon. you can go up to 0.6% but i think .3 should be enough
thanks, I just made a water change.
Will add salt . btw how do you compute for salt concentration?
will also keep an eye on Batboi3000's thread :)
Btw i'm currently using Oceanfree Anti parasite to treat. not sure if there's any improvement, but the tail does problem does not seem to bother the arowana. I'll try to take some pictures later.