Will be starting underwater filming of the rivers and wetlands in the Wet Tropics in the next month (a bit for work and more for myself). Picking up an underwater housing for filming in the creeks and a remote video for those places where getting in the water is not an option due to the resident reptiles. Obviously I will be posting bits of footage here for you guys, jungle perch, silver grunter, sooties (expect some leucistics
), tullies (including the orange piebald form
), freshwater morays (G. polyuranodon), stiphodon and sicyopterus gobies, zebra shrimp, mouth almighties, bullrout (again expect some leucistics
), snakehead gudgeons, spangleds etc etc etc all in their natural habitat doing what they do best. Basically if it occurs in far north queensland I intend to film it. Should be agreat help people who want to set up natural looking tanks with regard to appropriate scaping and species assemblages. Eventually I will do it all up on dvd for people.