Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
yes it is getting a bit slow, no new additions unless you count the 100 Macrobrachium in 2 tubs for live bait on sunday. Have new pics of green in photobucket and dodgy vid of JP juvies feeding frenzy on youtube but still have not mastered pbucket and no idea of how to link youtube to thread
Will be starting underwater filming of the rivers and wetlands in the Wet Tropics in the next month (a bit for work and more for myself). Picking up an underwater housing for filming in the creeks and a remote video for those places where getting in the water is not an option due to the resident reptiles. Obviously I will be posting bits of footage here for you guys, jungle perch, silver grunter, sooties (expect some leucistics ;)), tullies (including the orange piebald form :eek:), freshwater morays (G. polyuranodon), stiphodon and sicyopterus gobies, zebra shrimp, mouth almighties, bullrout (again expect some leucistics :WHOA:), snakehead gudgeons, spangleds etc etc etc all in their natural habitat doing what they do best. Basically if it occurs in far north queensland I intend to film it. Should be agreat help people who want to set up natural looking tanks with regard to appropriate scaping and species assemblages. Eventually I will do it all up on dvd for people.
Sounds great masone a bit jealous, I get to play around with Bass in in 16 degree water tommorow at sparrow fart. Had an orange Sooty NASTY bugger too, have not seen any for awhile.
Some pics from today on the Brisbane River helping Tim a biologist from UQ and Dave an ecologist from SEQ water who are doing reasearch on Bass.
The bass were anaesthetised and a blood sample taken from the caudal vein, then bagged and iced down for dissection and otolith removal later.
14 Bass from 20 to 37cm were collected. Caught 5 Bass myself 22 to 40cm but the 40 was a very fat fish and some how escaped when I was taking the hook out :naughty: All caught using live shrimp, also caught a tandanus a spangled perch 2 barred grunter and hooked a lungie but it busted me off in the snags. There were a few tandanus caught by everyone and 1 forktail all released exept for the barred grunter which were euthenased.
pics are Tim and assistant in boat processing the bass, Dave in yellow kayak bobbing shrimp old style.






Eric the Leis are only active in the arvo now starting to cool off dont usually start courting till end of August start of September.

check out the size of this scat :WHOA:
