Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
dingoofus;4265633; said:
Someone posted an ad or something saying they want to sell theirs on drews facebook page thing, hydra plane aquatics.

It's about the 6 or 7 post down.

Cheers mate!!!!! ;)

For sale [NSW - Newcastle] [3'x20''x14''] terrarium $50

Eric A;4265916; said:
Crap :irked:. The only fish that seem not to be suffering in that tank are the two angelfish... All fish still eat, but they are eating a lot less. The big baysnook looks the worst now :irked:.

What medication do I need steve? Is it available through a vet?

Have you tried Tri Sulphur ? should stop it but prob not cure it.
you need anti bacterial as well as antifungal with the more nasty things like Saprolegnia or Flexibacter columnaris if it has a good hold antibiotics also. if you can get it try.
with pretty much any antifungal
Flagyl and other human antibiotics also work dosage is variable though
I can try to get Metro, haven't heard of the others before... Should I try just metro on it's own, or buy two meds and hope one works?