Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Gahandi;4508533; said:
I would, but the only ones i seem to find are already around the 3 foot mark, looking for something a little smaller to raise. Figured the easiest way was to wait for one to show up in a pet store.

Yeah finding small ones can be a pain.
The only problem I have with the ones in shops is they tend to charge a fortune for them.
Cammo X;4509874; said:
I'd say Barcoo because of the length of the fish and the wrist of the tail, a bit to short for a Silver perch imo.


Doesn't matter, sold it :p
Got a trio of 1"-1.5" Geo's, pretty sure there dicrozter(sp?), And a nice 3-4" Acarichthys heckelii, VERY fastly becoming my favorite fish, it's just amazing in colors.
aussiemonsters;4479298; said:
Assorted pics.
70 cm Wivenhoe forky
Pond in need of a clean
Feeders from pond
70 mm Bass (natural recruitment from breeding season) that I caught in funnel trap when catching G. australis broodstock yesterday.

Dunno if the pics from this quote will show up, but I think that everyone should use tally ho papers when measuring fish lol. Just makes the ol' tally hos even more handy.

ANyone reccomend a net to use on a 40 cm barra?
Tally Ho papers are a good scale for little fish plus always have some in my pocket.