Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
the saratoga in question is about 30-35cm ... i've been treatin him like all my other fish, pellets make up the staple of their diets, then give crickets, black worms, brineshrimp etc occasionally. should i be feeding him those massivore pellets or something?

i'm new to the whole saratoga experience, and there's not really that much out there in the way of advice so i thought u guys would be a good spot to start. can i feed him prawns and marinara mix or something? should i make my own food (i tried that once, HIGHLY unsuccessfully) just not real sure on the volume of food he should be eating, and any assistance is greatly appreciated
Pellets are a good option, never seen a predatory fish turn down hikari floating sticks. If the fish is eating but not gaining weight or is losing weight then maybe dose for parasites. Soak food in garlic or get a dewormer.
thanks for the tip, i'll treat the tank for worms i rekon, there's not really any signs (white stringy faeces etc) but his stomach just looks a little "sunken" if u know what i mean
Good luck with your jar, there a great fish and amazing when fully grown and fattened right up.
Just got back from fishing trip to find that my Jar Doug has carked it :cry:
Had him for over 14 years.
RIP Douglas Jardini.
Spewin mate, feeling you pain down here in penrith. Maybe my black desteny lies with you...... Time will tell.