Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
My old archer fish. I have a new one but here are some shots of my old one which sadly passed away. The 1st picture it's about to try shoot down a cricket the second shot it's trying to jump and grab one. My new one does this as well.



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I am trying to get a photo of my new one actually shooting. I want to either get it while the water is just about to hit the cricket, or just after as the cricket is starting to fall. :)
I love the various tandanus types, very hard to find here, especially the smaller species like delhouses
there not to hard to find but they can be slightly expensive i saw a 15 cm example for 50Au. i believe it was the golden eel tail catfish
Would like saratoga, I've herd I could catch 1 up behind wivenhoe dam, brisbane. Otherwise they're $180 LFS. Any ideas amehelo? Also do scats need brakish water? LFS dosen't think so, They've got a med size red scat, I'd never seen before. nicccccce.