Pretty much grow about the same rate as any of your "large" cichlids. About an inch per month or a little less than that. They do grow very quickly though.
thanks. heres some pictures of the sunny i have rather than starting a new thread. theyre kinda blurry. ill get some better pics but he is so curious and always looks strait at me like in the last pic so its hard to get a side shot
green is correct im pretty sure. and thanks for the kind words about my fish. its got the most personality out of all my fish and its my favorite. if i could only keep 1 fish it would be him.
With the sunfish I have kept I have found that it varys from species to species. My longear, largemouth and green have grown a lot withthe largemouth growing the fastest and the longear second. My pumpkinseed has maybe grown 4" in the year I have had it, my rock bass I have had since early spring and it has barely grown at all. All were juvs. when I got them except the green.