here are some picts of a red spot sunfish that i caught in a trap in march they were 1/2" long
there were or 5 of them at first, i gave a few away and a few were victoms of disease, agression ect. anyway here is a pict of the red spot a few min ago
he (or she) is prob 3.5" long and is fairly agressive. when ever i put my hand in the tank it comes right up to it, it has not bitten me yet, but it certianly is not scared of my hand or of my python tube, the net is a different story it runs from the net (i have replanted the tank recently and i had to temp relocate him to a rubbermade for a day or so.
I started them out on frozen blood worms, then moved them off to flake, it eats hikari pellets now, (not the smallest ones, the 2nd smallest) I give him blood worms and crikets i have cut in half and red worms. about once a week.
it drove my sailfin shiners to jump out of the tank, (much to the cats delight) I will be up grading him to a 75 gal tank in about 6 months, he is currently in a 40 gal breeder, (wide) with a madtom.