Award program guide + FAQ

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
RD. RD. The old trophy system unfortunately has no representation in the new format, yet? Chicxulub I believe is working with Li on it but I don't know for sure what's happening with it. There is a new trophy system in the new format that's unrelated. It's represented by the points under your avatar. How you earn your points is explained in the pic I'm submitting below. Hope that helps.
MFK New Trophy breakdown.png
Ok, thanks Kolt. I was just curious, and thought maybe I was missing something. I'm still trying to get used to this new system, and my new puter. Just recently upgraded from XP. lol
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Someone just explained this to me in old person speak. So this new trophy points system is based on Likes, as seen on Facebook. IMO pretty much useless eye candy for a site that used to be dedicated to hard core enthusiasts.

Hey, maybe someone will *like* this?
Someone just explained this to me in old person speak. So this new trophy points system is based on Likes, as seen on Facebook. IMO pretty much useless eye candy for a site that used to be dedicated to hard core enthusiasts.

Hey, maybe someone will *like* this?

still waitin with ya RD... really hope Chix and Lei bring back the old run down for achievements... hobby has been dying enough on its own across the board lately... we need 2 take a few steps back to move forward.
in the mean time here is a like for both of yu.
I've had a hell of a year: divorce, lost my career, custody battle, etc. I kind of bailed on Li when all of that happened, so this is my fault. Things are starting to smooth out for me soon and hopefully I'll be able to pick up the pieces of the awards program and get it going again.

The intent was always to have much higher 'trophy points' for people with actual awards as opposed to the likes. Oddball, for example, would have over 9000 trophy points with the system I thunked up. Mine would be like 2000 or so.

The intention was never to have it be entirely likes and comments based.
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sorry about your year, life has a a way of getting in the way of itself. for me? I like the ideal of both. take them time to try to help some one with there fish, not just say you screwed buddy. should be rewarded, and is something folks can look at and say ya, this guy may know what he is talking about and thank him for taking the time. I see the other awards that are beyond that, not just being recognized for giving good advise, but time over years put in and there personnel contributions to fish keeping. that's my 2 cents.

Rob, hoping for a better new year for you. :)
I've had a hell of a year: divorce, lost my career, custody battle, etc. I kind of bailed on Li when all of that happened, so this is my fault. Things are starting to smooth out for me soon and hopefully I'll be able to pick up the pieces of the awards program and get it going again.

The intent was always to have much higher 'trophy points' for people with actual awards as opposed to the likes. Oddball, for example, would have over 9000 trophy points with the system I thunked up. Mine would be like 2000 or so.

The intention was never to have it be entirely likes and comments based.

well now i just feel like a **** lol... i know all 2 well the effects of "real life" on "fish life"...hard duo 2 swing most of the time.. wish u the best Chix... it always buffs out. i guess ill have 2 conform with the times and patiently await some blasts from the past... most of us are all still here, thats what matters.
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well now i just feel like a **** lol... i know all 2 well the effects of "real life" on "fish life"...hard duo 2 swing most of the time.. wish u the best Chix... it always buffs out. i guess ill have 2 conform with the times and patiently await some blasts from the past... most of us are all still here, thats what matters.

No worries man. Life sucks sometimes, but the only thing one can do is man the **** up and keep going lol.

This was the part of the trophy points that I intended to go with my awards program. As you can see, even the most basic award here would put a member far above the people who get tons of likes in the Lounge for points.
