Got a small Jardini (10-15cm) for my 5ft on Wednesday, it is now Friday, and it has yet to eat. I'm using the same food that the store I bought it from was using (Hikari monster bites). The fish doesn't seem to like it when I'm close to the tank and will hide if there's any movement outside. In terms of stocking there's a few Rummynose Tetras in there that I couldn't get out and that's it. If it matters the water is also heavily tanned as there's a new piece of driftwood inside.
Any tips on how to make it more confident and start eating?
And is this normal for small predatory fish or is there a problem with my setup that is making it so uncomfortable?
Any tips on how to make it more confident and start eating?
And is this normal for small predatory fish or is there a problem with my setup that is making it so uncomfortable?