Banjo Catfish breeding project

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I've always liked Banjo Catfish just never had the right setup for them until recently. Btw the Eel tails are very unique looking.

the best part is they get big enough to stay in my main tank. I've always loved both whiptails and banjos. Here is Bubba.

eel tail.jpg

He kind of reminds me of the Goa'uld from stargate
I am excited to announce that the Banjo Catfish have spawned when I don't know. Was feeding the aquarium today and this little fellow surfaced from the sand. The 3 adult Banjo Catfish I estimate to be around 4 inches. This one is almost 3 inches. It's possible there were more but the adult Banjo's ate them but this one managed to survive. The Apistogramma in the video is about the same size a juvenile male Orange Flash.
Absolutely fantastic news about a wonderful little catfish.
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Wait @tlindsey where is the fish in the 3rd picture? All I’m seeing is leaf litter.
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