Barramundi - Seafood Market Rescue


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2018
Happy Mother's Day *breakfast update * filefish + barra feeding on shrimp.

About 3 wks or so since I added tankmates & everyone is doing great. Filefish just hangs out from sunrise to about 6:30pm and then hides ina rock or in the corner by the filters. Barra has started to make daytime his rest hours and likes to stay up at night watching TV then goes to sleep after his midnite shrimp snack. He'll accept feeding in the morning but then will usually go hide behind the rock or in his fav spot on the bottom of the tank. There's a feather duster that's become used to the barra as usually feather dusters will hide whenever they feel something near, but now the barra's tail bumping into it is just part of the norm.

Also not many people talk about the vocals of barramundi, they're super loud! They make snapping, echo sounding clapping sounds when they snap their jaws and I can literally hear it even when I'm upstairs. When he snaps & I'm just hanging out it sometimes gets annoying and i just feed him to make him shut up.

The condy anemone has taken over the blenny cave after a water change and the blenny now hides on the right side of the cave or in a different cave in the middle of the tank, but faces the back of the tank where all the invertebrates stay. Thinking of Blenny #2 and possibly a small puffer or boxfish. Since the filefish only 3" barely has made it this long, it's safe to say YES you can add small fish with barra but selection is only down to maybe a very short list of possible smaller tankmates. I've read that some fish may be immuned to the toxin of puffer's so maybe we can try..


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2018
Getting more courage everyday, blenny is out & about while the barra pays no attention!
*will dart back to a rock asap when it does -

& found an old MFK decal looks good with Filefish + Barra now 22"! -

No new tank mates since the addition of the blenny but i tried adding a live prawn from the market & prob was too injured so froze it & just fed it to the tank
*market selection -

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