I think it's been 20 years since the last time I had snails. Just noticed my tank is covered in tiny ones. Looking closer, I remember even tiny pond snails being more spherical, these look more like limpets.
They look like limped to me as well.I think it's been 20 years since the last time I had snails. Just noticed my tank is covered in tiny ones. Looking closer, I remember even tiny pond snails being more spherical, these look more like limpets.
They're gonna have to get a little bigger before the inhabitants will bother eating them, I think. SMallest fish in there is something like 6"Anytime you see them on the glass stuff your hand into the tank and squish them. They're great fish food!
They're gonna have to get a little bigger before the inhabitants will bother eating them, I think. SMallest fish in there is something like 6"