Between setting up my stock tanks and generally cleaning up the yard for the coming nice weather, I've been pretty I took advantage of two days' worth of solid rain to take a break and build some birdhouses. I have boxes already that target particular species...Kestrels, Saw-what Owl, Purple Martin, Northern Flicker, House Wren...but probably my favourites are Eastern Bluebirds and Tree Swallows.
These two species utilize the same type of nestbox; the Tree Swallows are far more common and somewhat more aggressive, and can sometimes usurp a box from a hopeful pair of Bluebirds. But the swallows, while nesting in loose colonies, won't tolerate another of their species within about 20 or 30 yards of their nests, whereas they ignore a nearby Bluebird by placing the boxes in pairs at fairly close distances, Bluebirds (which won't tolerate others of their own species within about 100 yards of their nests) receive protection from their neighbouring Swallows from other nest competitors.
I had terrific success on my property in Ontario with Bluebird nestboxes, but none so far here in Manitoba. I've had 18 boxes set up for several years now, and have multiple successful nestings of Tree Swallows each year, but Bluebirds remain aloof. I see them every spring...and I watch them inspecting my proffered nestboxes...but they never quite commit. So...I assembled another 14 nestboxes and installed them this morning, taking pains to site them correctly for maximum attractiveness. I even saw a beautiful male Eastern Bluebird while doing so...but he wasn't taking the bait and soon moved on. Fingers crossed!
No Tree Swallows this year yet, but I am confident they will be back soon and will be setting up house.
Some of the new offerings:

These two species utilize the same type of nestbox; the Tree Swallows are far more common and somewhat more aggressive, and can sometimes usurp a box from a hopeful pair of Bluebirds. But the swallows, while nesting in loose colonies, won't tolerate another of their species within about 20 or 30 yards of their nests, whereas they ignore a nearby Bluebird by placing the boxes in pairs at fairly close distances, Bluebirds (which won't tolerate others of their own species within about 100 yards of their nests) receive protection from their neighbouring Swallows from other nest competitors.
I had terrific success on my property in Ontario with Bluebird nestboxes, but none so far here in Manitoba. I've had 18 boxes set up for several years now, and have multiple successful nestings of Tree Swallows each year, but Bluebirds remain aloof. I see them every spring...and I watch them inspecting my proffered nestboxes...but they never quite commit. So...I assembled another 14 nestboxes and installed them this morning, taking pains to site them correctly for maximum attractiveness. I even saw a beautiful male Eastern Bluebird while doing so...but he wasn't taking the bait and soon moved on. Fingers crossed!

No Tree Swallows this year yet, but I am confident they will be back soon and will be setting up house.
Some of the new offerings: